quarta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2018

Happy New Year 2018 - Time to some changes !

Feliz Ano 2018 - Tempo para algumas mudanças! 

We are re iniciating the activities in the Children House in Aquiraz, in the beginning of February. We are working differently  with the children and teenagers this year, last year we had the Elected Generation in the mornings during the week, but the local schools are offering school support programs most year,  so we feel it more at the place to offer  a basic English Course, and a Creative group for teenage girls, apart  from the Kids Space  Monday and Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning where also the mothers are participating. Ones a month, we run an afternoon in the Aldeia Community.  We are trying to do the work with little human ressources and also involving the mothers from the community themselves to take responsibility and help out! 
And one Saturday each month we do run a longer program at the house here for the mothers and children, including also the midday meal together!  It opens up for even people from  the capital Fortaleza to come and participate,  volunteers and other interested as well are encouraged  to participate

Photos from the Aldeia Community

The rain season from January and until usually May makes it more difficult with easy access to the community

The Childrens House in Araças, Aquiraz, Ceara

The newer kombi VW minibus to be used in the work, was givin as a gift in 2017

Two boys with rytmic instruments, a project supported by LMF Laerernes Missionsforening in Denmark 

From outdoor program at the Aldeia Community with handicraft activities for the motheres there

The sunset from a boat on the Amazon River 

This was about the work in the Northeast, Aquiraz, Ceara. In the North in the Amazon state of Amapá Rosa Amelia is coordinating the activities there together with a local group of volunteers! And she is settling in the local community and thankful to the Lord for the opportunities to serve Him there in the Amazon Florest! 

Thank you for your precious prayers for the people and the  activities! 
You find more also at facebooks Circus Victory and Vive a Criatividade! 

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