domingo, 16 de agosto de 2020

Drawing contest for children - during the Pandemia !

O Uso da arte como terapia para crianças vulneráveis

Criar arte e falar sobre ela pode ajudar as crianças a se recuperarem de  experiencias difíceis. As atividades podem incluir desenho, pintura, modelagem, colagem e qualquer outro tipo de arte. As atividades podem ajudar as crianças a expressar suas emoções, crescer em auto estima e lidar com memorias difíceis.
Nosso desejo seja que os pais também criar um atmosfera descontraída e amigável, e assim dar oportunidades para os filhos ter tempo de qualidade de conversas de sentimentos e emoções com os seus pais e responsáveis no dia a dia.  Sabemos que é um tempo de desafios mesmo para os pais e responsáveis tanto  como para as crianças alunos de escolas, tendo as aulas em casa, e avaliamos que tem grande esforço por parte de muitos professores realmente das escolas em atingir cada aluno de uma forma ou outra e criar momentos de desabafa dos pais nos grupos criados on line, whatsapp, Messenger etc. Mas sabemos muito bem, que seja os pais mais com estudo e capacidade, que usariam os meios para compartilhar, perguntar etc.

Para motivar mais cada criança a desenhar, gostando muito ou pouco, nos colocamos prêmios para melhores desenhos, para estimular a participação.  E também foi dado kits para um numero de crianças, famílias com lápis de cera e lápis de cor, borracha, apontador e papel A4, considerando a falta talvez de materiais em algumas famílias. Por morar longe de lojas de mat. escolares de preço de encontro...e devido as restrições de pandemia, achamos bom estimular dessa forma também a participação !
Colocando os desenhos on line, no facebook  Vive a Criatividade, da Associação Vitoria, seja mais um fator estimulando a criatividade  e motivando a criança a participar.


segunda-feira, 3 de agosto de 2020

Up date 2020 in English - A time for everything ! A time of changes of, what was first planned !


Euroclass 2020 cancelling of arrival !

Year 2020, we had to cancel the visit of the Euroclass team, even though, they had plans to be in Para and Amapa in the end of April and in May. The  Pandemic state worldwide did make it impossible for them to be in Brazil on their outreach!  Of course it was not easy for teachers and students, as they had been planning for months for the trip to Brazil, and trained dramas and presentations. 
But do pray for the EUROCLASS as they plan to start up with new students in August again, and as they are seeking God for guidelines for the new school year.

Photos from the work in 2020

But other activities have taken place in the North, in the Amapa State in the beginning of the year: 

Time for teaching of  Basic  English for children and teenagers in Calçoene in the sponsorship program JIREH :  Here a Danish Teacher Janus visiting and teaching, febr 20

A time for assisting the mothers in health issues in the community of Gurupora, also Calçoene was assisted, the Danish nurse Rebekka in action.

Activities with local women in the Gurupora Community - handicraft teaching:

The new class room build for teaching at the Missions land in Gurupora, was inagurated in Februar 20

Thank you to Danish Lego for a donation of duplo bricks to the work in Gurupora, in the new class room, also time especially for the local children to come along to activities ! 

The multiplication wonder  in Ceará ! 

FROM CEARA, AQUIRAZ, a partnership in May to August 2020 with Itau Social and Cieds made it possible to help families with foodparcels and higiene products  during 3 months, during the lock down period of the pandemia.  70 families were blessed through the program, and before that, we had other pepole giving individual gifts helping to make another distribution before to a number too. 

Distribution in the Childrens House in July,  a God of provision to many !  

The sponsorship program in Calçoene has been giving  out  also to the  families during the pandemic situation, and the families themselves did go out shopping for money send, and they did give report back with photos, of what they did buy for the money ! 

Family in Calçoene, 2 children in the sponsorship program, have been out shopping for money form the sponsor Mary, who is concerned about the well being of the family! 

 DRAWING COMPETITION among the children : 

Children drawing competition is  taking place just now in August 2020 it.....a dream for the children to get back to school !!  How was it to study at home ? Where your parents able to help out ?  What was the best thing about lessons at home, and the most difficult thing?  How has it been for the parents ?  We are asking the children to draw, and to  give in the drawings, in order to be a work of art to express emotions and feelings about a very different period of life for us all !


Work with  a reform of the Childrens House in Patacas, in May, June and July, 2020 in order to create more natural air ventilation, and to  improve the conditions for receiving the mothers and the children! 

An outstretched hand to the local community !
Here in Brazil, also in Ceara, we do have poor public health System, little social security, because of much violence, and a changing unstable economy, and many political tensions, so the spread of the virus has caused much fear, and panic too, and it has been difficult for a large percentage of the population, and  we need to encourage one another to have hope and faith for the future, and we need to ask for capacity to be flexible in needed ways. 

Contributions to the work are always welcome !  Your prayers are also much apreciated ! 

Do take contact, if you are interested in going on a mission trip short term to the North Amazon Region with us - we are going several times a year. If you are interested in being a volunteer in the work in Patacas, Aquiraz with the mothers and children, also to do housevisits.