sábado, 27 de dezembro de 2014

Invitation to the 20th years aniversary of YWAM - Macapá, State of Amapá, BRAZIL

Friday the 16th of January and Saturday the 17th of January 2015  - taking place at the meeting hall at the  Zero Point, Equator Line, Macapá - everyone is  very  welcome! 

Rasmus Ebild from YFC Denmark is presenting a show Friday Night, and  some of the pioneers are sharing from the very beginning og the work - the Pastoral Nacional Leader Gilberto Botelho de Mello from Contagem, Minas Gerais, is going to share also, so  we do hope to see many old volunteers, workers, supporters,  intercessors, child sponsors and also families assisted by the social programs run over the years, the sponsorship program JIREH etc. 

Photos from Christmas Event the 22nd of December 2014 at village " Aldeia " Lagoa de Cima, Municipality of Aquiraz, CE

From the house near Aldeia, where we did gather the families in front of, offering a meal and also the Word of God 

The childrens tables 

Serving the families, nice chicken cream sauce with rice 

Queing up for the meal 

Small  gifts were given to the children and the mothers, and here some of the children enjoying the baloons 

The Word was ministered and people came forward to receive prayers

Not lacking soft drinks, and a nice cake after the main meal to the participants!

quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2014


 Word of the Circus Director: PLEASE HELP US!

We are in need of raising funds in order to buy a minibus to the work of the ministry of the Circus, the training courses outreaches and the short term teams of volunteers joining us especially during the holidays.
Also to the program here with Mothers and smaller children, babies...once a week at the Centre, where we are having a play group and also teaching for the mothers to the children.
The old " Kombi " volkswagen 1995  has seen better days....and the security of the passengers is no longer the best. Any contribution is very welcome.

We are also keen to receive volunteers to help out for  q month up to 6 months,  brick layers, childrens workers, administrative people etc. also from abroad ! So if it has your interest, please take contact  for further informations.

Contributins can be made to Faelleskirkens Missionsproject ( Denmark ) GIRO  968 1698
Danske Bank, Agency 9570 account 0009681698   note: Brazil - minibus  .accountance Erik Andersen, Stenløse  phone number  0045 47172205

In England  through Stewardship Service, an account administrated by Ruth Silver,  Christian finance Partnership, Prestatyn, UK e-mail address ruth@silvernotgold.org.uk

Workshop Magica GOSPEL - localidades: Macapá, AP e Fortaleza, CE

Aqui um pouco de fotos do professor Rasmus Lyngholm Ebild, Mocidade Para Cristo ( YFC),  Dinamarca, que vai ensinar nas oficinas – workshop Magica Gospel em Macapá, AP ( sábado 17.01 )   e em Fortaleza, CE ( sábado 24.01 na Igreja Cidade Funcionaria  ) em Janeiro 2015 A mäe dele Henny Kristiane Jakobsen vai estar ensinando no dia 24 de Janeiro também. Não cobramos participacão
Estamos divulgando também um curso dia 24 as 31 de janeiro 2015 no Centro de  Treinamento Vitoria, para quem quer aprender mais, aonde Carla dos Anjos, BH, MG vai ensinar também malabares e acrobatismo.

Here a few photos of the teacher Rasmus Lyngholm Ebild, from  YFC Youth For Christ, Denmark, visiting Brazil in January 2015, together with his family, and teaching at the workshops Gospel Magics in Macapá, AP Saturday the 17th of January and in Fortaleza Saturday the 24th of January. 
See more at / Veja mais no facebook Circus Victory
His mother  Henny Kristiane Jakobsen is going to be with him the 24th  of January to teach too.  Free entrance.

Maiores informações / more informations   0055  85 9913 4886, 88401509 

 : facebook :Circus Victory

sexta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2014

Viagem ao Estado Amapa, Macapá e Calcoene Home

From puppetshow in the church, the lost sheep.

Children in Calcoene learning acrotatism 
 A few photos from the impact up North - a team of 7 people did work in the Amapa State from the 25th of Sept. to 6th of October....
From the Baptist Church, where we did run a child program in beginning of October 2014

Home of family in Calcoene in the sponsorship program

The good old " kombi " in front of Baptist Church in Calcoene, AP

segunda-feira, 18 de agosto de 2014

Conferencia missionaria do Centenário, Ass. de Deus, templo central, Fortaleza, CE

Fotos do sábado dia 16 de agosto 2014, nos tivemos um estande...sobre os países Escandinávicos e os desafios de ir NOS PASSOS DOS PIONEIROS para a região Amazônica do BRASIL ....ribeirinhos e quilombolas... 

NEW PHOTOS - AUGUST 2014 - Visit to Lar Davis with the training course - and Mission Conference 16th of august, Fortaleza, Assembly of God, Central Temple

Visiting orphanage Lar Davis church, where we did present for the children

sharing with the children 

Children with the memory verse of the story told...

Listening to an explication about the childrens home - participants in our training course Sunday the 17th of august 2014

Sharing about the Pavement Project, Lifewords  and the Scandinavian countries and challenging to Amazon region - riverdwellers
saturday 16th of august 2014 

Cubes to prevent malaria....for sale...a tool for missionaries....

domingo, 3 de agosto de 2014

Palhacos de Cristo sem Fronteiras - Christian Clowns without borders ...

Remembering the course Saturday the 9th and Sunday the 10th of August 2014 , at the mission  training centre Victory. 
Please write circovitoria@gmail. com or look at facebook Circus Victory, or give us a call on 085 9913 4886 or 88401509 

quinta-feira, 19 de junho de 2014

Just informing here, if anyone is able to assist DR 1Danish Channel, then Sunday the 22nd of June 2014  at 2 pm, you can see the program Bildsøe i Brasilien, with the News Program journalist Bildsøe, a team did visit here too end of March, and 3 parts of the program explains shortly about our work here...
You can also find it on www.dr.dk/se/tv/bildsoee-i-brasilien/bildsoee-i-brasilien-2-3

Assisting the program, or parts of it, is going to give you a bit of ideia of the work, even though, you are maybee not able to come along personally


minutes 10.59 to 14.29 About  School support program and interview
minutes 21.20 to 23.40  Inviting to Circus at local community Aldeia
minutes 25.14 to 26.48  From the Circus Victory at Lagoa de Cima..

Most photos from the 29th of March 2014 Lagoa da Cima 

sexta-feira, 13 de junho de 2014


Por favor agenda já:

Sábado dia 9 de Agosto hs. 8.00 as 17.00
Domingo dia 10 de Agosto hs. 9.00 as 14.30
No centro de treinamento missionario VITORIA; Aracas 1, Distr. Patacas, Mun. de Aquiraz

Sabado dia 16 de Agosto e Domingo dia 17 de Agosto

Informação dos valores, pre-requisitos etc.  085 9913 4886 ( tim )
085 8840 1509 ( oi)  085 87329631
e-mail circovitoria@gmail.com  e kisola@ig.com.br
veja também facebook Circus Victory

sábado, 7 de junho de 2014

Contando um pouco da historia/ Telling a bit of the history....JOCUM-AP esta se aproximando 20 anos de aniversario ( Fevr. 2015 ) YWAM in the State of Amapa close to 20 years aniversary ( Febr. 2015 )

JOCUM-AP Jovens Com Uma Missão em Macapá,  foi iniciado dia 15 de Fevr. de 1995, com a chegada da equipe de missionarias de Belém: a dinamarquesa Kirsten Solveig Larsen e o casal  Nora e Davi Galúcio com 3 filhos  Samuel,Tercia e Jonatas..e chegaram a dar inicio do trabalho da missão no estado Amapá. Hoje o trabalho continua com uma equipe de pessoas mais novas...e a Kirsten apenas trabalha como voluntaria da Missão, do programa JIRE, algumas semanas por ano.....mora no Ceará ( desde 2009 ) , aonde ela junto com seu esposo Raimundo Nonato Valentim Pinheiro  tem criado a missão Vitoria servindo o Nordeste.....e eles são membros da Assembleia de Deus, ligados com AD Cidade Funcionaria, Fortaleza. 

YWAM -AP, Youth With A Mission in Macapá, was iniciated the 15th of February  1995, with the arrival of a  small team of missionaries from Belém: The Danish Social Welfare Worker Kirsten Solveig Larsen, and a couple of Brazilians Nora and Davi Galucio with 3 children: Samuel, Tercia and Jonatas...and they did start the work of the mission in the state of Amapá..Today the work is continuing with a team of younger people...and Kirste still works as a volunteer helping out in the Mission with the sponsorship program JIREH, she did start in 1997, and a few weeks every year, she travels to Macapá, and to Calçoene in the interior of the Amapa State, and often takes a team along too ..but now she lives in the Ceará state in the Northeast of Brazil ( since 2009 ) with her husband Raimundo Nonato Valentim Pinheiro, and they did pioneer a mission Victory,  more than 5 years ago there, serving also the Northeast, and they are missionaries linked to the church Assembly of God. In Denmark they are linked to Faelleskirken, Oelstykke. 
You can see more on facebook: Circus Victory and Kirsten Larsen Valentim Pinheiro 

No final de Setembro 2014, vai ter uma oportunidade de missões de curto prazo a Macapá e Calçoene no Estado Amapá junto com o casal de Missionários Valentim Pinheiro ( 25 de Set. a 06 de Out. 2014)   Entre em contato para maiores informações..

A short term opportunity to go on a team to the  Amazon Region in the end of Sept. and beginning of October together with the couple of missionaries Valentim Pinheiro to Macapá and Calcoene, in the Amapá state ( 25th of Sept. to 6th of Oct. ) Do take contact for more information please...

Trabalho nas ruas de Macapá, contato nocturno, desde 1995, quando a JOCUM iniciou o seu  trabalho em Macapá, as crianças de rua   foi alvo de atenção dos missionários  - foto também de visita na casa de alguns meninos de rua no Perp. Socorro...Kirsten aqui com uma família, que   tem sido apoiado por anos através do programa de apadrinhamento JIRE

Work  with the street kids and their families in Macapa years ago

Dois ex meninos de rua de Macapá, que receberam ajuda através do trabalho da JOCUM, Casa Shalom e programa JIRE

Two young smily  men, today no longer in the streets, helped by the project of YWAM, Casa Shalom and the sponsorship program JIREH 

A família de um ex menino de rua - com a dignidade restaurada -  hoje apoiando como voluntários...aqui no Centro Comunitario de Infraero I da JOCUM-AP num evento em  Fevr. 2014  junto com a coordenadora da área social da Missão JOCUM-AP durante muitos anos - de 1995 até 2008 no tempo integral

Kirsen together with Alessandro and his family febr. 2014 Community Centre of Infraero 

A Dinamarquesa Missionaria Kirsten Solveig Larsen aqui com o JP - natural de Afua, Ilha de Marajó, que chegou a vir a Macapá apenas com 9 anos de idade para trabalhar e morar nas ruas de Macapá, e ele foi cedo  colhido pelo programa da Casa Shalom

The dane Kirsten Solveig Larsen with Joao Paulo, John Paul, an ex street boy from Afua, Island of Marajo, Pará, who was resgated by the project of YWAM  Casa Shalom and the sponsorship program JIRE 

Meninos do programa Turminha visitando o navio do Ålborg Portland, no porto de Santana, junto com voluntarias dinamarqueses...aqui comendo " lagkage " que o cozinheiro dinamarquês preparou...
em baixo: Dois meninos consertando as suas caixas de engraxate no quintal da Casa Shalom, casa de passagem

Group of street children visiting the ship of Aalborg Portland in the port of Santana years ago, together with volunteers from Denmark and Brazil, eating danish " lagkage " cake and drinking danish soft drink  " sodavand " 

Contato de rua., também durante o dia.. Uma turma aqui de engraxantes.. do Perp. Socorro no centro

Street contact in the centre of Macapá, boys polishing shoes, from the Perp. Socorro part of Macapá 


Primeiras familiais apadrinhadas - em Macapa 1997

First families sponsored in Macapa in 1997

Crianças atendidas na casa Shalom no Centro de Macapá

Children being assisted in the Shalom house in the town centre

 Em baixo : Mães Criativas Macapaenses..atividades com a familia também, curso de costura, pintura etc. na Casa Shalom
'Em cima: Crianças e voluntários em frente Shalom  prontos para participar na Marcha de Jesus em Macapá

Children and volunteers in front of the Shalom house preparing for the Jesus March in Macapa
Women in the Creative Women of  Macapá- course in action in the Shalom House 

Feira no Novo Horizonte vendendo produtos - algumas mães e voluntarias dinamarquesas
Davinia da Inglaterra ensinando - no curso MCM  Mães Criativas Macapaenses -  se esforçando na Casa Shalom

Danish volunteers with women from the slum families selling products at the market at  Novo Horizonte 
English nurse Davinia George, volunteer  in the Shalom house teaching the women at the creative course MCM 

UM POUCO DA HISTORIA DO CIRCO VITORIA  - primeiro impacto foi em 2001 a Laranjal do Jari, Vitoria do Jari, Calçoene e Oiapoque, no estado Amapá.

Some photos from the history of the Circus Victory- see more on facebook Circus Victory please 

Equipe de Circo Vitoria na Jarilandia, ao lado do rio Jari , AP - em parceria com Ass. de Deus - apresentações de pecas teatrais, fantoches, brincadeiras, musicas, magicas,  malabares, oficinas de trabalhos manuais e muito mais.

Equipe de Circo no Ferreira Gomes e Porto Grande, interior do estado Amapá  - centenas de voluntários participaram no correr dos anos, brasileiros e estrangeiros, e foi uma experiência marcante para suas vidas! 

Lado social do Circo - Distribuição de kits de escovas e pastas para as crianças , pelo Dr. Dentuço