domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013

Calçoene - an interior town of Amapá State where the sponsorship program JIREH is investing in families - photos from 2012

Ruth Silver, English sponsorship coordinator did visit Calçoene in Nov. 2012 - together here with JIREH Kids in MCP

Julia Lima dos Santos did visit also Calçoene in Sept. 2012 and did love it
Activity at the community centre of YWAM in Calçoene

Donation of glasses from England  - testing time
A short trip to the atlantic beach near Calçoene, Maria, Ruth Silver and a part of Brunas family 
Debora Dayana helping out as  volunteer with the children
Children day celebrated in October at the centre in Calçoene
Course for  teenage girls in the sponsorship program JIREH
The Calçoene centre of YWAM seen from the road in front of
The centre in Calçoene is in need of reform and people to work there
Kirsten at parents meeting at the centre in Calçoene
Pr. Flavio speaking in the Baptist Church in Calçoene
From Baptist Church in Calçoene

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