sábado, 29 de junho de 2013

Team to North of EUROPE

A team of 6 people are going to visit Denmark /the Feroe Islands in August 2013

Short presentation of the  team members:

Missionaries Kirsten Solveig Larsen ( Danish Social Welfare Worker )  og Raimundo Nonato Valentim Pinheiro ( Brazilian - from Ceará state  ) , coordinators of rehab. centre Victory, Araças I, District of Patacas, municipality of Aquiraz,  CE and the Evangelistic Circus Victory and a Mission Training Centre, and sponsorship program JIREH in Macapa, Calçoene, Amapá

Pastor and wife
Elesângelo Miguel de Sousa Carvalho and Santina Pereira de Sousa Carvalho,  Presbeterian Church of Boa Esperança, Maracanau, CE - Graduated in administration. Also leaders of Rehab. Centre Victory, the Anex.
They have a son and a daugther, children in law and grandchildren.

School teacher :
Maria Teixeira da Rocha, School teacher from Macapa, Amapa State - from Baptist Church, active as a volunteer during years in YWAMs work, the sponsorship program JIREHs events etc.

Maria T teaching students at the rehab. centre Victory CE

Maria working with children 

Environmental Municipality Secretary
Flavio Lima Costa , Cantanhede, Maranhão, married, and an environmental secretary in the municipality  Coroatá interior of Maranhão. Graduated and works as an agricultural engineer  from the First Baptist Church of Säo Domingos

Date of arrival to Denmark  - the 9th of August 2013
Dates visiting the Faroe Islands 16th  to 28th of August - in partnership with YWAM-FO ( leader of YWAM -FO Sanna Smidt Hammer ) and LMF ( skolelærer Jorun E. Johannesen ) , a calendar is being put together, with visits to schools, participation in churches, youth groups etc. Interested are welcome to contact e-mail ywamfo@yahoo.com or 00298 217141 or 0298 21 7771
Return the 3rd of September 2013 to Brazil.

Contact directly: circovitoria@gmail.com or kisola@ig.com.br
Skype  KirstenPinheiro - contact mobile in Denmark, after the 25th of July  0045 60273426

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