You can find us on facebook: Kirsten Larsen Valentim Pinheiro
and on orkut Raimundo Nonato Valentim Pinheiro
and we have the following e-mail,
and and
Skype kirstenpinheiro
mobile phones 0055 85 9913 4886, 85 8840 1509, 85 87329631 ( DK 0045 60273426 )
Bank Accounts in Denmark ( in Kirsten Solveigs name ) :
Danske Bank ag. 3307 account 6055721414 swift DABADKKK Iban DK 5530006055721414
Finansbanken/Jyske Bank agency 6610 account 0001684157 swift BCPHDKKK Iban DK 26661 00001684157
Gifts can be given to the work through Missionproject account In Faelleskirken, Olstykke, DK ag. 9670 giro 968 1698 to Brazil phone 0045 47175350
or through LMF Laerernes Missionsforening, LMF Giro 8 000 484 phone 0045 4182 5022 - tax reduction possible
Bank account in Brazil in the name of Raimundo Nonato Valentim Pinheiro
Bradesco Agency 0716-1 and c/p 0560171-1
Bank account of the Mission Association Victory, Associação Vitoria
Banco do Brasil Agency 1292-0 and runnning account c/c 32 628 - 3
e-mail of mission,
and on orkut Raimundo Nonato Valentim Pinheiro
and we have the following e-mail,
and and
Skype kirstenpinheiro
mobile phones 0055 85 9913 4886, 85 8840 1509, 85 87329631 ( DK 0045 60273426 )
Bank Accounts in Denmark ( in Kirsten Solveigs name ) :
Danske Bank ag. 3307 account 6055721414 swift DABADKKK Iban DK 5530006055721414
Finansbanken/Jyske Bank agency 6610 account 0001684157 swift BCPHDKKK Iban DK 26661 00001684157
Gifts can be given to the work through Missionproject account In Faelleskirken, Olstykke, DK ag. 9670 giro 968 1698 to Brazil phone 0045 47175350
or through LMF Laerernes Missionsforening, LMF Giro 8 000 484 phone 0045 4182 5022 - tax reduction possible
Bank account in Brazil in the name of Raimundo Nonato Valentim Pinheiro
Bradesco Agency 0716-1 and c/p 0560171-1
Bank account of the Mission Association Victory, Associação Vitoria
Banco do Brasil Agency 1292-0 and runnning account c/c 32 628 - 3
e-mail of mission,
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